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Jaan Poldaas (1948-2018) was born in Sweden to Estonian refugees and grew up in Northern Ontario. Initially trained as an architect at the University of Toronto, Poldaas began painting in the geometric abstract style for which he is known, but from a consistently experimental and conceptual perspective. Cowley Abbott and the estate of Jaan Poldaas are pleased to present seven original works by the artist, including a full set of the six collage series or studies for Poldaas’ major works of the 1990s. Also featured is a work from the artist’s first series, entitled “Horizon paintings”, which consisted of experiments with monochrome paint on paper. Twenty-nine additional works from the artist’s personal collection by diverse artists represent five decades of Canadian art, telling a story about painting in Toronto and its legacy. All the works in the collection held meaning for the artist, and reflect Jaan Poldaas’ true admiration of paint, painting – and the great Canadian painters. 

Browse the catalogue for Artwork from the Estate of Jaan Poldaas, open for bidding until February 25th and available to preview at the Cowley Abbott gallery.